Thursday, January 03, 2008

clean slate...

growing up remember when you would picture what you wanted/or thought your life would be like? Your home, your favorite things, your clothes, etc. Have you ever taken a moment to sit back and look to see if you are in all those things you dreamed of? I am constantly looking at my life and only seeing bits and pieces of what I wanted. Other pieces have just found their way in out of convenience or cost or dare I say laziness? That really gets to me. I am hoping that this year more things will start falling into the dreamed of pile and not the laziness pile. what do you wish you had from your dreamed of pile?


Candice P.J. said...

better furniture... my house looks like two college kids moved in together and brought their own furniture from their last apartment... well, that's what happened, but the house doesn't have to LOOK like that's what happened!

Happy New Year, by the way!

Vee said...

happy new years!!
a never depleating gift card to pottery barn. :)

dawn m. said...

oooh... i like vee's wish.

personally, i just thought i'd be much more grown-up than i am. i'm 28, and that sounds really grown-up, but i don't feel as settled as i think a 28-year-old should be.

i think i thought i'd at least know who i was going to be when i grew up. and the older i get, the more i realize i'm always gonna be changing....